Sunday, August 15, 2010


Faintness is defined as a brief loss of consciousness. It is a general symptom rather than a specific illness. Usually faintness is precipitated with dizziness, light headedness, a spinning sensation, a tingling sound in the ear and sudden cool and clammy skin. Many medical cases are attributed with faintness. The most common of which is the sudden drop in blood pressure, an abnormally low level of blood sugar, decreased in red blood cell and some conditions like pregnancy and ear problems.

DROP IN BLOOD PRESSURE – if you experienced faintness after rising from a sitting or lying position then postural hypotension is most likely the cause of your faintness. This is due to the sudden pooling of the blood from the upper portion of your body to the lower portion of your body.
Home treatment: if you suffer from this type of faintness, make it a habit of changing position slowly. Give your time at least five minutes in every position change. When coming from a lying position, sit first and dangle your feet before standing up. If above treatment doesn’t help, lie down and raised your leg. Put pillow under your legs, it should be higher than your head.

LOW BLOOD SUGAR – if you are diabetic or it had been a long time since your last meal, the cause of your faintness may be due to low level of sugar in your blood. Accompanied with faintness is trembling, blurring of vision, slurred speech and headache.
Home treatment – If you are a diagnosed diabetic patient, you should wear diabetic wristband which could aid rescuers to diagnose the cause of your loss of consciousness. Along with this, you should always carry glucose tablets, sugar or candy and soft drinks which you can eat to prevent the attack.

– Red blood cell carries and delivers oxygen to the different parts of the body including the major organs such as brain. A decreased in the number of red blood cell is then synonymous with a lack of oxygen in the body. If your body particularly your brain lacks oxygen, it won’t work properly, you might then feel dizzy and faint.
Home treatment – Normally, your physician will request a complete blood count. This diagnostic test would then confirm whether you lack RBC. Once diagnosed, you will be prescribed with iron vitamins. Along with this, you should eat foods high in iron content. Examples of these are the green leafy vegetables and organ meats.

General treatment – to help someone who suddenly fainted, check first is the patient is breathing normally. Lay the person on his or her back and raised her or his legs as high as possible. Loosen any tight clothing, open the windows to allow air ventilation or when you are outside, and remove the patient from direct sunlight. Once the person regain consciousness have her or him to remain on the lying position for at least 15-30 minutes and remind that he or she should slowly change his or her position very slowly.

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