Friday, October 15, 2010

Inflammed sinuses

Christmas is now just around the corner. All of us can now feel the cool breeze touching our skin early in the morning. And even though majority of us are now busy looking for the gift to buy or is busy putting home decorations, some of us, are unfortunately confined to bed. The cool and moist environment are bringing not just chills but also upper respiratory tract infections - the most common reason for hospital confinement during this season.

SINUSITIS -  an inflammation of the sinuses that is may be due to infection or allergies which commonly occur during cold season. The sinuses are cavities in the head lined with mucuos membranes. The functions of it includes humidification of the air inspired, lightening of the skull and absorption of shock to the face or skull.

  • In adult, the key symptom is pain in the cheekbones and upper teeth, in the forehead  over the eyebrows or around and behind the eye.
  • In children, a chronic stuffy nose is a common symptom.
  • If the sinuses are infected, fever may be present.
  • sore throat or cough specially when post nasal drip occur.
  • Sinus headaches may occur on rising and get worse in afternoon or when bending over

  • Drink extra fluids to keep mucus thin.
  • Breathe moist air from a humidifier, hot shower, or a sink filled with hot water.
  • Take oral decongestnt as prescribed. However, avoid products containing antihistamines.
  • Take acetaminophen or ibuprofen for headache.
  • Check the back of your throat for postnasal drip,  if the streaks of mucus appear, gargle with warm water to prevent sore throat
  • Elevate your head at night
  • Consult doctor if the condition worsens

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

foreign objects

Children are usually the victim of the foreign objects since they put almost anything inside their mouth, nose, ears and even in their eyes. Parents would not eventually notice it until the child complains of pain on the affected area. Below are the initial steps to consider when a foreign object was seen inside your child's body.


Small objects and insects are the common objects that get stucked in the ear. Before trying to remove them inside the ear, it is important that you know the anatomic picture of the ear.

the ear canal and the eardrum as seen in the picture above are sensitive part of the ear, hence, enough care must be taken not to damage this area.

  • DON'T try to kill an insect in the ear. Instead, pull the ear up and back and with a gentle shake,  foreign objects or insects may roll or slide out of the ear. 
  •  If the object is soft and can be easily seen, try CAREFULLY to remove it with tweezers.
  • DON'T instill any mineral, olive oil or baby oil inside the ear for the object trapped inside, specially if it is a bea, may increase in size.
  • If the object or the insects are too deep and you can't see it, bring the child to the nearest hospital.

Dirt and small objects in the eye will often wash out with your tears. However, if the objects is not removed, it may damage the cornea or the eye covering of the eye. see the picture below.

  • DON'T rub theeye for it might scratch the cornea. Parents may have to restrain their chilldren's hand to avoid accidental eye rubbing.
  • DON'T try to remove the object with using pointed objects nor your bare hand.
  • If the objects is at the side of the eye or on the lower lid, moisten a ottown swab or the tip of a twisted piece of tissue and touch the end of the speck, the object should cling to the swab or tissue.
  • Genty wash the eye with cool water. An eyedrop helps
  • Keep your eye gently closed. Excessive blinking could cause more irritation and discomfort.
  • If the object is on the pupil or is embedded  in the eye, if pain persisit and vision started to blur, bring the patient to the nearest hospital.

Children also put objects inside their nose. This might get unnoticed not until a foul smelling yellowish or greenish discharge comes out from nostril. The nose may also be tender and swollen.

  •  Spray a nasal decongestant in the affected nostril to reduce the swelling.
  • Have the child pinch the other nostril closed and try to blow  the object out.
  • If you can see the object, try to remove it with blunt-nosed tweezers. Hold the child's head sll and use care not to push the object further.
  • If you are unable to remove the object after several tries and the patient complains of difficulty of breathing, bring the patient to the hospital.

Friday, October 8, 2010

eczema vs. you

We all want to have a healthy skin. It doesn't necessarily need to be young looking or as soft as the baby's skin but at least it must be a skin that is free from any rashes, redness, scales, and lumps. Unfortunately, getting a glowing skin is quite difficult to achieve since there are numerous skin problems that exist. Among the most common is the ECZEMA.

Eczema or medically known as atopic dermatitis is a CHRONIC SKIN DISORDER which means that once you have it, you will have it forever. It is common  in people with asthma, allergies and those with family history. The category of eczema usually relies on its clinical characterisics. However, the most common type is the ATOPIC ECZEMA.

The characteristic of a skin with eczema is moderate to severe itchiness, swelling, redness, dry and scaly. In children, Eczema appearsmost often on the face, scalp, buttocks, thighs and torso. In adults, it usualy affects the eck, inner arms, inside the elbows, and the back of the knee.


1. Usually, severe itchiness is triggered by stress, infection, over infection and allergy. Hence, all these stimulants must be avoided.
2. Keep the skin moisturized.
3.Take a brief daily bath with lukewarm water.
4.Use hypoallergenic ang gentle soap.  Physicians, usually recommend the use of DOVE.
5. After bathing, pat skin dry , do not rub for it may contribute to swelling and redness. Apply lubricating cream  to keep the skin  from  drying out.
6. An oral histamine like Benadryl is prescribed  to relieve itchiness. However, antihistamines in cream form must be avoided for it may irritate the skin more.
8. Wash the clothes and the bed linens using a mild detergent, avoid fabric softener for it  is irritating.


1.If crusting or sors with discharge appear, infection is present.
2. If a red patchy rash appears on the face accompanied by joint pain and fever
3. If itching can't make you sleep and it can now interfere with your daily responsibility.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

combat the asthma now!

I know many people who are afflicted with asthma. Three of them are even my relative while the other one is my boyfriend. I've witnessed them grasping their breath as asthma episodically attacks them. They seem to be a helpless and defenseless victims, lying on their bed and attached to oxygen for survival.

Asthma is a respiratory condition where the air passageways narrows making the patient complains of difficulty of breathing. The narrowing of passageways may be due to several factors, with allergy being the most common. Allergens such as dust,pollen, mold and animal dander are the most common etiologic agent that triggers the attack of asthma. However, stress, infection, changes in weather may also contribute.

When asthma attacks, the airways became inflamed and constricted, muscles surrounding the air tubes go into spasm, the mucous lining swells and secretions build up. The victim would then experience difficulty of breathing accompanied with a whistling sound in inspiration. In severe cases, the patient may become bluish and might loss her or his consciousness.

Most of the attacks happen at home, hence, all of the family member must be knowledgeable and skillful enough to provide first aid treatment. Here is some of the important list, we must do when someone get's into attack


1. Loosen all constricted clothing and provide air ventilation by opening windows and use of electric fan.
2. Remove the patient from the reason of the attack i.e if the asthma was triggered with cigarette smoking.
3. Assist the patient in taking her or his inhaler. (Asthmatic patients usually carries with them their inhaler.)
4. If you have a nebulizer, have the patient nebulized.

If after all the above treatment and the condition worsen, it is strongly recommend to bring the patient to the nearest hospital.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

attack the dengue

With the increasing reported cases of dengue virus for the past few months, no one can blame why most of the people are now freaking out. I, myself, even bought anti-mosquito bracelet, always apply and reapply repellent lotion and I was even thinking of using cloth detergents that claims to protect us from the attack of mosquitoes.

As the Department of Health states, the death toll of dengue fever in our country had already reached 500 with most of its victims belongs to the younger group of the population.

With these alarming facts, the best prevention is nothing but a good knowledge. As a registered nurse, having a good background with regard to this issue, let me then share what each of us ought to know.

1. The dengue virus is carried by a FEMALE ONLY mosquito.
2. These FEMALE ONLY mosquito are LOW-FLYING and attacks in the morning.
3. They breed in a CLEAN and STAGNANT water.
4. There is NO approve and tested vaccine for dengue virus.
5. The aim of treatment for dengue fever is avoidance of its complications.
6. There is really NO treatment regimen for DENGUE, only supportive and symptomatic treatment.
7. Dengue fever can be managed at home.

Many might ask how come a fatal disease like dengue fever can actually be managed at home. To be honest, there is really no definite treatment or drugs that can combat the dengue virus. Physician will only treat the arising complication and its symptoms. Paracetamol is given if the patient is febrile, antacids are prescribed for patients complaining of stomach pain. However, the center of the treatment is HYDRATION. If the patient is hospitalized, he or she is maintained on IVF. However, if the patient is treated at home, oresol solution is prescribed to take every 30 minutes.

Oresol Solution can be avail in the all leading drug stores, however, it would be good to know, how to make a home-made oresol solution. Just remember the formula of 1-8-1.

in a 1 liter of water, dissolve 8 teaspoon of white sugar and 1 tablespoon of salt. Make the patient drink at least two glasses of the solution every hour. The solution must be consumed in the span of 24 hours, nevertheless, it must be discarded.