Wednesday, February 23, 2011


CANCER is considered as one of the top-killing disease today. The figure of its victim is quite high and it continues to rise every second of the day. Studies show that almost 1500 lives are taken away by cancer everyday and it is accounted for 1 of every 4 death every hour. Experts said that when no effective measure was taken to prevent CANCER it would be the world’s top killing disease by year 2015. What’s even worst is that CANCER affects everyone, may you be an elderly or just a child.

Experts never stop finding for the cure of CANCER. New technologies and new modalities are discovered every year to treat it. Vaccines are made available to fight certain types of CANCER like the HPV vaccine for cervical cancer and hepa B vaccine for liver cancer. Yet, FDA didn’t approve these vaccines as a standard treatment but only as prevention.

So how CANCER does develops? Normally, your healthy cells undergo a process of mitosis to multiply and develop. When cell became damaged or is already old it is normally replaced by healthy new cells. However, there are times that there is an uncontrolled cell development. Cells multiply and develop faster. These abnormal cells don’t die and they just continue to reproduce. Soon, they will become an abnormal mass of tissue known as tumor that will start to invade and damage normal cells. Hence cancer attack starts.

Study shows that it takes almost ten years for cancer cells to fully mature. The process of cancer development is quite slow but when it reaches its maturity it rapidly spreads in the different parts of the body. Chemotherapy, radiation, or surgery is the treatment of choice however these don’t guarantee full recovery. The chance of recurrence after some time is still high.

That is why medical experts always remind the public that PREVENTION IS BETTER THAN CURE. Treatment of cancer is quite difficult so better prevent it before it happens. Doctors suggest that the world should start to modify their lifestyle since most of the cancers results from bad habits.

STOP SMOKING. Smoking is the number reason for LUNG CANCER. Nicotine damages the sensitive linings of your airways and lungs. Normally these damaged cells would heal but when there is prolong exposure to this chemical the cellular healing process is affected. Abnormal cellular scarring develops and sooner and later these abnormal scars would multiply. It would be too late for you to know that you had already developed a lung tumor.

LIMIT FOODS COOKED IN HIGH TEMPERATURE. Grilled and smoked meat contains CARCINOGEN. Carcinogens are cancer causing ingredients.

STOP ALCOHOL INTAKE. Even though experts said that one bottle of beer a day is fine, it is still safe to stop alcohol intake if possible. Alcohol damages and weakens your liver making it susceptible to infections such as hepatitis virus. Hepa B is a known precursor of LIVER CANCER.

AVOID EXPOSURE with asbestos, aflatoxins, radiation. The internet had a longer list of chemicals to avoid. You are recommended to do some research since many of the chemicals can be found inside your home.

EAT HEALTHY AND EXERCISE REGULARLY. Eat foods high in fiber to avoid colon cancer. Fiber cleanses your colon and it also washes out free radicals and harmful elements in your stomach and colon. We should take fruits and vegetables, as least three to five servings a day. Avoid canned and prepared foods since these contain cancer causing substances.

STRENGTHEN YOUR IMMUNE SYSTEM. There are numerous infections that end up with cancer development so the key is to simply have a strong immunity to avoid getting infections.

Hereditary is one of the strong factors that cause cancer. Yet, one should not loose hope for even though there is still no known cure for cancer the world had given us thousands of ways to prevent it. 

Cancer might be dreadful but don’t let it damaged your body. Just take the necessary measure and you will definitely be free from it.

Friday, February 18, 2011

top ten benefits of a exercise

Medical experts had been saying that we should practice regular exercises. Most of them even highly recommend going to gym at least twice a week. Well, according to them a regular exercise together with a healthy diet would simply give us a healthy life. Yet, is it just that what exercise really can do? I tried to enumerate all the possible benefits we can get from a regular exercises. I hope that my the end of my list I would be able to convince you that indeed a regular exercise would be good for you!


1.GOOD EXERCISE CAN BURN CALORIES. Yes, regular exercise is a key to a sexier you because you will burn that excess fats and loose weight when you do regular exercise. There is actually no prescribed type of exercise as long as you perspire this means that you are burning fats.
2. EXERCISE can help you get a sound sleep at night. A good exercise in the morning would awaken your senses and you will feel energetic all through out the day. At night, your body will feel tired and this would send you to a sound sleep at night.
3. EXERCISE improves blood circulation. Every time you move your any part of your body oxygen is needed. Hence everytime you exercise, your muscles would require oxygen and your blood would do the circulation to deliver more oxygen.
4. EXERCISE can make you feel better since the brain would be stimulated to produce the hormone endorphin. Endorphin is the hormone of happiness and love. Hence when you regularly exercise you will feel better and feel happier.
5. EXERCISE can decrease the chance of you getting fatal diseases like heart disease, stroke, kidney problems and diabetes. These are all true because when you do exercise blood circulation is improved through out the body. A good circulation is the key to the have  healthier body organ hence diseases stated above are avoided.
6.EXERCISE can put back the magic in your sex life. Experts says that regular exercises increases the libido both in women and men. Furthermore, it can decrease the chance of acquiring erectile dysfunction and early ejaculation on men.
7. EXERCISES help you to be more alert and this can increases your concentration and can make you be more focused. This can help you decide more intelligently and can make you think more clearly!
8. EXERCISE tone up your muscles. It known to everybody that exercises can make you achieve that 6packs abs and can make your waistline smaller and firmer. This because of the activities which the muscles underneath receives. Muscles are shaped every time you actively moved them.
9. EXERCISE reduces your blood pressure since cholesterol-clogged arteries are being cleared up.
10. EXERCISE will give you a healthier life!

Monday, January 17, 2011

too much salt will kill you

A food would be tasteless without a pinch of salt and that's a simple kitchen fact every household knows. Indeed, chef considered salt as their own magic wand that just by one stroke it can turn any dish into a delicacy. Unfortunately, too much of anything can harm us and salt is not an exemption to the rule. Worst, most of the deadly threat to human life is primarily caused by too much salt intake.

Hypernatremia is the medical term for an increase level of sodium in the blood. Naturally, the body eliminates excess sodium through our kidneys in the form of a urine. Yet, when too much sodium is in the blood it draws water meaning excess sodium results to excess water. When some one is overloaded with fluid the body compensates as evidence by faster heartbeat and increase in blood pressure. An uncontrolled blood pressure is then the etiology of many diseases including kidney failure, heart ailment and blood vessel damage.

So control your salt intake before it became too late. Avoid foods that are high in sodium. Too easily know what group of foods are to be avoided just bare in mind that any commercially prepared food, canned food, processed food, too much colored food and packed food are the highest salt-containing food. Refrain from eating these foods and you are adding another day to your life. 

If however you are already experiencing some of the symptoms given below, visiting your doctor is strongly advised.


- edema
-nausea and vomiting
-appetite loss
-muscle weakness
-muscle cramps

Treatment for hypernatremia lies behind its etiology. If excess sodium is caused by diet you may be advised to avoid foods that are high containing salt. On the other hand, if you are diagnosed to have more major disease such as kidney problem and heart ailment, further examinations will be required.

So don't let yourself experience the pain of a lifetime ailment. Prevent the disease today and you just don't know how muchyou are saving your life in the future!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

dealing with stroke patient

Stroke is the primary cerebrovascular disorder in the world is the third leading cause of death in the United States. It refers to a functional abnormality of the central nervous system caused by a disrupted oxygen supply. Stroke can be divided into two major categories: ischemic and hemorrhagic.

To give a short background, Ischemic Stroke happens when there is an occlusion to any brain vessels that leads to depleted oxygen supply, hence, brain nerves dies. Hemorrhagic stroke in the other hand is a rupture of a brain nerve that leads to extravasation of blood into the brain. Although the two types have some differences in terms of its etiology, pathophysiology and medical or surgical management, the have almost the same clinical manifestation and nursing management.

One of the most debilitating complications of stroke is motor dysfunction manifested by weakness and paralysis of the face, arm, and leg on one or both side occurs. This makes the patient to be bed ridden. It is then the responsibility of the health care giver to improve the patient’s mobility and to prevent joint deformities.



To deal with this, here is the list of interventions the caregiver might consider.

1. CORRECT POSITIONING. Correct positioning is important to prevent contractures. During each patient contact, position of the patient should always be evaluated. The most common positions that patients assume in bed are supine side-lying, and prone. The healthcare giver helps the patient assumes this position by using pillows and sometimes splints to prevent joint deformities.

2. PREVENT EXTERNAL ROTATION OF THE HIP. The patient who is confined to bed for longer period may develop external rotation deformity of the hip due to the tendency of the hip to rotate outward when the patient in supine position. Nurse or the caregiver must use trochanter roll to prevent this deformity. With correct placement, it serves as a mechanical wedge.

3. PREVENTING FOOTDROP. Footdrop is a deformity in which the ankle bends in the direction of the sole of the foot. Because of this, the patient will not be able to hold the foot in a normal position and will be able to walk only on his or her toes. To prevent this deformity, the patient’s feet should be kept in right angles relative to the legs by using padded splints. Precaution should be observed for positioning devices may cause unwanted pressure areas. The patient is assisted to perform ankle exercises several times each hour.


Optimal function depends on the strength of the muscles and joint motion. Range of motion exercises and specific therapeutic exercises must be included.

1. PERFORMING RANGE OF MOTION EXERCISES. Range of motion exercises may be active, assisted or passive. Unless prescribed, exercises must be made at least three times a day. The joint to be exercised is supported and the bones above the joint are stabilized. A joint should not be moved beyond its free range of motion and is only moved to the point of resistance and stopped at the point of pain.

2. PASSIVE RANGE OF MOTION. To perform passive or assisted range of motion, the patient must be in a comfortable position with the arms at the sides and the knees extended.


The patient’s position should be changed every 2 hours.

Thursday, November 4, 2010


We all experience environmental emergencies. These refer to urgent medical situation due to environment factors such as extreme environment temperature, drowning, anaphylactic reactions due to insect and animal bites. Of all, the most common is the heat stroke.
Heat stroke is an acute medical emergency caused by failure of our body’s heat regulating mechanism of the body. It usually occurs when extreme heat waves accompanied wit high humidity occurs. People prone to this are the elderly, very young, those who have underlying medical conditions and those who are taking certain medications.
Suspect heat stroke when you are experiencing any of these:  profound central nervous system dysfunction manifested by sudden impaired consciousness, confusion delirium, elevated body temperature (40⁰C or higher), hot, flushed and dry skin, absence of sweating, palpitations and difficulty of breathing. Go to the nearest hospital for prompt treatment or do any of the following home measures:
1.       Remove all the patient’s clothing.
2.       Cool sheets and towels are provided to the patient. Continues rubbing of sponge wit cool water is advised.
3.       Ice wrapped to a cloth must be applied directly to the neck, groin, chest, and axillae of the patient. Precaution must be observed specially for patients with impaired sensory functions.
4.       Provide cooling blankets if available.
5.       Immerse the patient in a cold water bath with extreme precaution.
6.       Position an electric fan directly to the patient.
If after all of the above strategies fails to decrease the patient’s temperature, rush the patient to the nearest hospital.
On the other hand, below is the list of the different ways to prevent Heatstroke.
1.       Avoid exposure to immediate temperature and reduce activity in hot weather.
2.        Increase your fluid intake.
3.       Wear loose clothing.
4.       Plan outdoor activities and avoid the hottest part of the day usually between 10:00 am to 2:00pm.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Inflammed sinuses

Christmas is now just around the corner. All of us can now feel the cool breeze touching our skin early in the morning. And even though majority of us are now busy looking for the gift to buy or is busy putting home decorations, some of us, are unfortunately confined to bed. The cool and moist environment are bringing not just chills but also upper respiratory tract infections - the most common reason for hospital confinement during this season.

SINUSITIS -  an inflammation of the sinuses that is may be due to infection or allergies which commonly occur during cold season. The sinuses are cavities in the head lined with mucuos membranes. The functions of it includes humidification of the air inspired, lightening of the skull and absorption of shock to the face or skull.

  • In adult, the key symptom is pain in the cheekbones and upper teeth, in the forehead  over the eyebrows or around and behind the eye.
  • In children, a chronic stuffy nose is a common symptom.
  • If the sinuses are infected, fever may be present.
  • sore throat or cough specially when post nasal drip occur.
  • Sinus headaches may occur on rising and get worse in afternoon or when bending over

  • Drink extra fluids to keep mucus thin.
  • Breathe moist air from a humidifier, hot shower, or a sink filled with hot water.
  • Take oral decongestnt as prescribed. However, avoid products containing antihistamines.
  • Take acetaminophen or ibuprofen for headache.
  • Check the back of your throat for postnasal drip,  if the streaks of mucus appear, gargle with warm water to prevent sore throat
  • Elevate your head at night
  • Consult doctor if the condition worsens

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

foreign objects

Children are usually the victim of the foreign objects since they put almost anything inside their mouth, nose, ears and even in their eyes. Parents would not eventually notice it until the child complains of pain on the affected area. Below are the initial steps to consider when a foreign object was seen inside your child's body.


Small objects and insects are the common objects that get stucked in the ear. Before trying to remove them inside the ear, it is important that you know the anatomic picture of the ear.

the ear canal and the eardrum as seen in the picture above are sensitive part of the ear, hence, enough care must be taken not to damage this area.

  • DON'T try to kill an insect in the ear. Instead, pull the ear up and back and with a gentle shake,  foreign objects or insects may roll or slide out of the ear. 
  •  If the object is soft and can be easily seen, try CAREFULLY to remove it with tweezers.
  • DON'T instill any mineral, olive oil or baby oil inside the ear for the object trapped inside, specially if it is a bea, may increase in size.
  • If the object or the insects are too deep and you can't see it, bring the child to the nearest hospital.

Dirt and small objects in the eye will often wash out with your tears. However, if the objects is not removed, it may damage the cornea or the eye covering of the eye. see the picture below.

  • DON'T rub theeye for it might scratch the cornea. Parents may have to restrain their chilldren's hand to avoid accidental eye rubbing.
  • DON'T try to remove the object with using pointed objects nor your bare hand.
  • If the objects is at the side of the eye or on the lower lid, moisten a ottown swab or the tip of a twisted piece of tissue and touch the end of the speck, the object should cling to the swab or tissue.
  • Genty wash the eye with cool water. An eyedrop helps
  • Keep your eye gently closed. Excessive blinking could cause more irritation and discomfort.
  • If the object is on the pupil or is embedded  in the eye, if pain persisit and vision started to blur, bring the patient to the nearest hospital.

Children also put objects inside their nose. This might get unnoticed not until a foul smelling yellowish or greenish discharge comes out from nostril. The nose may also be tender and swollen.

  •  Spray a nasal decongestant in the affected nostril to reduce the swelling.
  • Have the child pinch the other nostril closed and try to blow  the object out.
  • If you can see the object, try to remove it with blunt-nosed tweezers. Hold the child's head sll and use care not to push the object further.
  • If you are unable to remove the object after several tries and the patient complains of difficulty of breathing, bring the patient to the hospital.